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Professional Acrylic vs Galeria Acrylic

The difference between Winsor and Newton Galeria Acrylic vs Professional Acrylic paint is down to the quantity of the pigment used. The quality of the pigment is not compromised, the same pigments are used in both ranges, but the there is less of a pigment load in Galeria. We will examine the differences here by tinting Permanent Alizarin Crimson with Titanium White. You can see that the Galeria Acrylic appears lighter than the Professional Acrylic even though they are tinted with the same amount of white. This reflects the lighter load of pigment in Galeria, and is something to keep in mind when choosing which formulation to use.

Video transcript

00:09: Hi there, today I'd like to talk a little about the difference in pigmentation between Winsor & Newton's Professional Acrylic and Winsor & Newton's Galeria Acrylic.

00.24: For the purpose of this example, we'll look at Permanent Alizarin Crimson in these two ranges. Here the same pigment is present in both colours, so no comprise is made on the quality of the pigment. The only difference between them is the level of pigments used. To show this we will take an amount of each colour and mix with an equal amount of Winsor & Newton Galeria Titanium White.

01.15:  As you can see, the Professional Acrylic colour is visibly stronger than the Galeria formulation.

01.34: I hope this video helps you make an informed choice when working with acrylics.


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