Winton Oil Colour

The table below provides all the important information about the composition, characteristics and permanence of the Winton Oil Colour range. You can use it to tell you how a colour will appear on your surface (transparency/opacity), how long it will last (permanence) and what pigments it is made from (chemical description) plus much more.
Lemon Yellow Hue O Permanent II PW6,PY73 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Teinte citron cadmium O Permanent II PY3, PY74 1 Huile de lin N/A
Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue O Permanent I PY74 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Chrome Yellow Hue O Permanent I PW6,PY65,PY74 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Cadmium Yellow Hue O Permanent I PO73,PY65 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue O Permanent II PO73,PW6,PY65 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Cadmium Orange Hue O Permanent II PO73,PY65 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Cadmium Scarlet Hue SO Permanent I PO73,PR188,PV19,PY74 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Scarlet Lake O Permanent I PR188 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Cadmium Red Hue O Permanent II PR112,PR188,PW6 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Cadmium Red Deep Hue O Permanent II PO36,PR170 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Permanent Geranium Lake T Permanent II PR209 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Pale Rose Blush O Permanent I PR188,PW4,PY74 1 Safflower Oil N/A
Permanent Rose T Permanent I PV19 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Permanent Crimson Lake T Permanent I PB29,PR177 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Permanent Alizarin Crimson T Permanent I PR177 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Magenta T Permanent I PB15:3,PR122,PW6 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Quinacridone Deep Pink T Permanent I PB29,PV19 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Cobalt Violet Hue O Permanent I PV19,PV23 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Dioxazine Purple T Permanent I PV23 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Cerulean Blue Hue O Permanent I PB15:1,PG7,PW4 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Cobalt Blue Hue O Permanent I PB15:1,PB29,PBk6,PW4,PW5,PW6 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Dioxazine Blue T Permanent I PB29,PV23 1 Linseed Oil N/A
French Ultramarine T Permanent I PB29 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Phthalo Blue T Permanent I PB15 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Prussian Blue T Permanent I PB27 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Emerald Green O Permanent I PG7,PW6,PY74 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Permanent Green Light O Permanent I PB15:3,PW6,PY74 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Chrome Green Hue O Permanent II PG7,PW6,PY42,PY74 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Phthalo Yellow Green O Permanent I PG7,PY74 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Azo Yellow Green SO Permanent I PG7,PR101,PY42,PY74 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Viridian Hue T Permanent I PG7 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Phthalo Deep Green T Permanent I PG7,PR177 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Oxide of Chromium O Extremely Permanent I PG17 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Terre Verte T Permanent I PG7 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Dark Verdigris T Permanent I PB29,PY74 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Sap Green T Permanent I PB15,PY110 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Azo Brown ST Permanent I PV23,PY74 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Naples Yellow Hue O Extremely Permanent I PR101,PW6,PY42 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Yellow Ochre O Extremely Permanent I PY42 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Raw Sienna T Extremely Permanent I PR101,PY42 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Light Red O Extremely Permanent I PR101 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Indian Red O Permanent I PR101 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Burnt Sienna T Extremely Permanent I PBk11,PR101 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Burnt Umber O Extremely Permanent I PBr7 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Vandyke Brown T Permanent I NatBr8,PBr7 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Raw Umber T Extremely Permanent I PBk9,PBr7,PR101 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Payne's Gray O Permanent I PB29,PBk7,PW6 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Ivory Black O Extremely Permanent I PBk9 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Lamp Black O Extremely Permanent I PBk6 1 Linseed Oil N/A
Flake White Hue O Extremely Permanent I PW4,PW6 1 Safflower Oil N/A
Soft Mixing White O Extremely Permanent I PW4,PW6 1 Safflower Oil N/A
Zinc White O Extremely Permanent I PW4 1 Safflower Oil N/A