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Using watercolour paper is key because it is designed to be absorbent; it can withstand large quantities of water without cockling (causing the paper to ripple).The smoothest surface is hot press, which is...
For watercolour, natural hair brushes like sable offer precise control and excellent colour absorption. Synthetic brushes provide a budget-friendly alternative with professional performance, ideal for both soft watercolour techniques and...
Granulation medium is only suitable for use with Watercolour.
The best set for beginners must be the Cotman Watercolours Deluxe Sketchers' Pocket Box because it has everything needed to start enjoying watercolour; it includes 16 colours to allow for some great...
The best set for practicing artists is the Professional Watercolour Complete Travel Tin - 24 Half Pans; it has all the most exciting colours and can travel around the world with...
In a nutshell, gouache has a higher pigment load than watercolour. Therefore, gouache is great for flat, opaque areas of colour and works well in combination with the transparency of watercolour
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