Get to grips with pencils and mark making techniques to create work inspired by David Bomberg.

Step 1
Test your pencils out from hardest to softest. Experiment with hatching, cross-hatching, scribbling and varying pressure.

Step 2
Use a soft pencil (6B) to create strong, geometrically constructed lines, using a ruler. Consider the dynamism of your drawing and vary the pressure of your pencil.

Step 3
Add to your drawing, using some of the harder, light pencils. Work against the edge of a ruler to create sharp edges.

Step 4
Add in deeper tones, giving a stronger sense of light and contrast. Vary the pressure to create rich, dark tones. This approach can be explored using colour.

Step 5
Now try using coloured pencils; experiment with overlaying and blending colours.

Step 6
Map out the framework of your drawing in one colour. Look for angles, edges, shapes and junctions.

Step 7
Start to introduce other colours, concentrating on warmth, coolness and tonality.

Step 8
Introduce Soft Peach, Orange and True Blue along with other colours. Try to work freely and see what happens when colours are layered.