00:12 Introduction
00:31 Mixing Blending and Glazing Medium
01:11 Applying Blending and Glazing Medium
01:39 The result
The art of glazing, why and how to glaze your work, is described in this masterclass. Glazing is a technique used to bring together light and dark tones, and to bring out luminosity in a painting. There are several recipes for making a glaze; here we use Burnt Umber with Blending and Glazing Medium. The medium provides a consistent, high quality glaze. Burnt Umber is a transparent colour that comes from Umbria, it is a clay that is burned to achieve a deeper, richer tone. The tone of your glaze varies with the amount of pigment you decide to use, and you can also build up layers with glaze to darken it that way. By glazing over the light and dark areas on the board here, you can see it unifies the contrast between colours and adds luminosity.